SERA Conference 2023 – Call for papers

Venue: Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh 

Dates: Wednesday 22nd November – Friday 24th November

The conference will accept individual papers, short presentations, symposia, poster presentations, as well as suggestions for roundtable discussions and workshops.

Download: SERA Conference 2023 – Call for Papers

Please note: Call for papers deadline extended until 31st May 2023.

Individual papers

Individual papers require a 250-word abstract. Please note that authors must identify the theme (above) that their abstract addresses. Abstracts should include:

  • theme (best fit from the list above);
  • title of paper;
  • author name(s), affiliation(s), contact email address;
  • 4 keywords.

An indicative structure for the abstract might include:

  • aims;
  • methods;
  • main findings;

Each paper will be allocated a 20-minute slot (Fifteen minutes to present with five minutes for questions). Please note: You are allowed to submit as many abstracts as practical but normally each person is limited to two presentations within the conference.

Short presentations

A short presentation is an engaging and highly visual presentation of 15 slides for a maximum of 20 seconds each (300 seconds or five minutes in total). The format keeps presentations concise and fast-paced and is useful when wanting to highlight key points, pose questions, present evocative insights, and/or share research in-progress efficiently.

Short proposals require a 250-word abstract. Please note that authors must identify the theme (above) that their abstract addresses. Abstracts should include:

  • theme (best fit from the list above);
  • title of paper;
  • name(s), affiliation(s), contact
  • email address;
  • 4 keywords.

An indicative structure for the abstract might include:

  • aims;
  • methods;
  • main findings;


Proposals for self-organised symposium are welcome. A symposium is a planned event lasting 60 minutes with between two and four individual contributions on a theme. Symposia organisers are free to decide on how their symposium is run. They should provide a chairperson who will introduce the session and highlight relationships amongst the contributions. Symposia organizers should also provide a discussant to offer a critique of the whole symposium. The contact person identified on the proposal must act as a link between the conference organizers and other contributors. Proposals should include:

  • title of symposium;
  • name(s), affiliation(s), contact email address of the symposium organiser;
  • name of chairperson/discussant;
  • an outline of 200 words describing the purpose of symposium and relationship between papers.
  • symposium presenters;
  • 250-word abstracts for each paper in the symposium, including: title of paper, name(s), affiliation(s), contact email address, 4 keywords.

An indicative structure for the abstract might include:

  • aims;
  • methods;
  • main findings;

Poster Presentations/Rapid Thesis Presentations

Submissions to the Individual poster category or the rapid thesis require a 250-word abstract.

Please note that authors/designers must identify the theme (above) that their abstract addresses. Abstracts should include:

  • theme (best fit from the list above);
  • title of paper;
  • author name(s), affiliation(s), contact email address;
  • 4 keywords.

An indicative structure for the abstract might include:

  • aims;
  • methods;
  • main findings;

Posters will be displayed in a public area during the conference and all presenters will be invited to an interactive session on the 22nd November to present their posters.  All posters accepted will be submitted to the poster competition.

The Rapid thesis format allows each presenter a maximum of three minutes to present their research using one static slide in the background (this slide could be similar to a poster). These presentations will be held on the 22nd November and all entries will be eligible for the rapid thesis competition. Further advice will be available on the SERA website for accepted proposals.

Workshops and Round tables

Workshops and round tables will be scheduled as 60-minute events. Proposals for workshops should include the design and delivery of a learning activity that engages participants directly both in experience and subsequent reflection. Workshop proposals can centre on the analysis of a research methodology/approach or a teaching and learning method. A descriptor of 250 words should include:

  • theme (best fit from the list above);
  • title,
  • name(s), affiliation(s), contact email address for the organiser
  • 4 keywords;
  • rationale and/or theoretical background;
  • aims and methods of the proposed activity.

Proposals for round tables will indicate the theme to be discussed by a range of stakeholders sharing a range of views and experiences. Cross-cutting themes that are of interest to a range of educational stakeholders are welcomed.

Performance/Arts-based Sessions

A performance-based or arts-based session aims to involve participants in working experientially to explore and to reflect on a particular theme. All forms of performance-based activities (i.e. spoken word poetry or narratives, oral storytelling, art forms (including paintings, drawings, sculpture, etc.), drama, dance, walking, digital multimedia presentations, etc.) are welcome. A descriptor of 250 words should include:

  • theme (best fit from the list above);
  • title, name(s); affiliation(s), contact email address;
  • indication about spaces, any special equipment that might be required and maximum number of participants.

Prizes and awards

Three prizes of fifty pounds are awarded at the SERA conference for the best poster, best rapid thesis and short presentation. A panel composed of SERA executive members will review the entries and winning entries announced during the conference.