Memorandum of understanding with ESAI

SERA is delighted to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) provides a framework for areas of cooperation, collaboration, and joint working between the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) and the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI). It sets out how the two associations will work together to progress shared objectives, and provides a platform that will enable each association to benefit from common goals and activities.


While this MoU is not a statutory or contractual document and is not intended to be legally binding, both ESAI and SERA agree to abide by its terms. This agreement will be reviewed in order to amend and/or renew every three years, commencing June 2020.


About ESAI About SERA
The Educational Studies Association of Ireland is a voluntary, non-political body, dedicated to the advancement of educational research in Ireland.

Its various conferences provide a public forum where research findings are presented, educational ideas are voiced and a richer understanding of educational practice is promoted.

Membership of the Association is open to all those with a research interest in education, whether they work in universities, in colleges, in schools, in managerial bodies, in administrative or policy-making positions, or as unwaged persons.

A primary aim of the ESAI is to ensure, as far as possible, that educational discourse in Ireland remains grounded in perspectives which are adequately acquainted with the evidence from the various disciplines of educational research and that educational policy-making at all levels remains similarly informed by arguments which are educationally sound.

Irish Educational Studies is the official journal of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland.

Further information available at


The aim of the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) is to support and enhance the role and status of educational research in Scotland.

1. By promoting an active, inclusive membership involving researchers, practitioners, policy makers and others interested in all sectors of the education system in Scotland

2. By providing opportunities for dialogue among educational researchers and all interested parties about the quality, purpose and methodology of educational research

3. By engaging in cooperation and discussion with the policy community, funding agencies, local authorities, national educational bodies and other research associations

4. By developing appropriate policies and strategies and communicating these effectively in order to enhance the profile of educational research

5. By supporting and monitoring the membership profile and, as appropriate, special interest groups and networks

6. By developing and maintaining constructive links with relevant organisations and associations in the UK, Europe and internationally

7. By arranging such events as conferences, seminars and symposia where research findings can be disseminated and constructive dialogue can take place

8. By disseminating information about research through newsletters, the internet and other publications

Further information available at

Working Together

This MoU is designed to formalise the relationship between both associations by committing to ongoing discussion and liaison. It acknowledges the mutual links and interests of the two associations alongside the differences of both. By working together where appropriate and supporting one another’s activities and members, we believe that we can reinforce each other’s strategic and constitutional objectives.

Both associations are committed to facilitating and encouraging the pursuit and dissemination of high-quality educational research, and to working to improve education.

We will collaborate, subject to the agreement of the Executive Committees of both associations, to:

  • enhance relationships on issues on which the two associations have common interests
  • share information on education and educational research
  • offer one complementary place at each other’s annual conference for the duration of this agreement
  • collaborate on joint projects and funding applications
  • plan and run joint events on areas of shared interest


Each association will appoint a nominee with responsibility for maintaining and progressing this MoU. The nominees will meet at least twice a year.




Contact SERA

SERA can be contacted as follows:

Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

For general SERA queries make contact via this link.

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