SERA Connects: Health, wellbeing and covid-19 – supporting young people during their transition back to school

Date: 25th June

Time: 4pm-5pm

Location: Zoom

Organisers: Dr. Shirley Gray (ScotPERN) with support from Dr Deb Holt, Dr. Ruth McQuillan and Stephanie Hardley from the University of Edinburgh

Who is this online seminar for: This seminar will be of interest to teachers, researchers and other key stakeholders working in the area of school health and wellbeing.


Currently, there is much discussion among teachers, local governments, charities, academics and other key stakeholders about how young peoples’ health and wellbeing might be supported during the convid-19 ‘lockdown’. However, as we move closer to the point at which pupils and teachers might be able to return to school, this focus will shift to consider how schools prepare for this transition. More specifically, questions will be addressed about how schools can support young people socially, emotionally and mentally as they return to school, and in the future. This period of transition will present teachers with an unprecedented and highly challenging task. Not only will the physical characteristics of the school potentially look and feel different, but the pupils and the teachers themselves may be very different, some of whom will have been deeply affected by their experiences in isolation.

Sharing experiences

Through this seminar we will hear the perspectives of three experienced teachers, one Headteacher and two Depute Headteachers, as they consider what their schools might be like as their staff and pupils return. Tina Stone is the 2-18 Headteacher of a group of two primary schools and one secondary school at Dornoch Firth Campus in the Highlands. Jennifer Menzies is a Depute Headteacher at the Royal High School in Edinburgh and Mhairi Hume is a Depute Headteacher at Newbattle High School in Midlothian.  The three teachers will discuss their experiences, ideas and actions in relation to supporting their pupils’ health and wellbeing as they return to school. Audience members will also be given opportunities to share their views and experiences, as well as ask questions using the interactive functions on zoom, and through the SERA twitter feed.

We hope that this discussion will provide a supportive platform for teachers, researchers and other stakeholders to share practice, seek advice, and critically consider the implications of the discussions for their own context.

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