SERA Teacher Education Network – Summer Event

Working jointly with the PGR Teacher Education Network at the University of Strathclyde the SERA Teacher Education Network are hosting a networking event on 23 June 2023 with Professor Aileen Kennedy as keynote speaker. There is also the opportunity at the event for PGR students to share their research and converse around all things teacher

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Early Years Network event – 20th April 2023

The SERA Early Years Network is delighted to welcome Professors Linda Mitchell and Fran Press to an in-person seminar focused on neoliberalism and the complexity of early childhood educators’ work. Professor Linda Mitchell (University of Waikato, New Zealand) has spent many years researching early childhood education policy and practice and critiquing the marketisation and privatisation

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Researching Education Bulletin: Creative Arts Special Edition

In recent years there has been a more concerted approach to promoting arts education and creativity in Scotland. While the growth and development of national initiatives, activities and policies is heartening, it is important to have a sense of practice at a grassroots level. This special edition of REB shares the findings of a series

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New convenors for the Early Career Researcher Network

We’re really excited to announce that our Early Career Researcher Network has some new co-convenors on the team! First up, meet Xin Miao. Xin is a final year PhD student at the University of Stirling researching geography teachers and their curriculum-making practices. Xin is based in the Faculty of Social Sciences as a Postgraduate Researcher

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SERA Inclusive Education Network Event

Title: Promoting inclusion and equity in education: lessons from international experience Date: Tuesday 28 February 2023, 16:00- 17:30. Location: MS Teams Organisers: SERA Inclusive Education Network Speaker: Mel Ainscow CBE is Professor of Education, University of Glasgow, UK; Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Manchester, UK; and Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

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Dr Marion Allison to keynote at #seraconf22

Keynote title: A Community Learning and Development approach to reconnecting Research, Policy and Practice. Keynote speaker: Marion Allison Institution: Community Learning & Development Standards Council  Abstract The aim of this presentation is to discuss how research, policy and practice can be enabled by Community Learning and Development (CLD) approaches to better meet the needs of

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Professor Gert Biesta to keynote at #seraconf22

Keynote title: Putting the world at the centre: A view for education today Keynote speaker: Gert Biesta Institutions: University of Edinburgh & National University of Ireland There are ongoing discussions in many countries about what should be at the centre of education. In some countries there is a strong appetite for a (re)turn to knowledge

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Professor Svanborg Jónsdóttir to keynote at #seraconf22

Keynote title: The beautiful role of teacher education Keynote speaker: Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir Institution: University of Iceland, School of Education In my presentation, I want to discuss some ideas that I have come to appreciate about the role of education as we work towards developing creative, inclusive, and socially just societies. I will touch upon

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Health & physical education research survey request

*We were asked by the colleagues below to share their research project. Please feel free to read about this and to contribute to the survey/s if you wish. If you think there are colleagues who would be interested in participating then please pass this on to them. My name is David Aldous and I am

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#SERAconnects with the Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) – Initial Teacher Education connects event

Understanding learners and learning: poverty and inclusion 31 May 2022, 10am-12:30pm Building on the success of our first dedicated ITE event in 2021, the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) are delighted to collaborate with the Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) to host a second event on the theme of Poverty and Inclusion. Beginning

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Contact SERA

SERA can be contacted as follows:

Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

For general SERA queries make contact via this link.

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